0、安装npm。 1、新建项目文件夹angular2,放入4个初始文件。 package.jon tsconfig.json typings.json systemjs.config.js 2、安装包,项目文件夹下就会新增node_modules、typings文件夹。 npm install 3、在项目文件夹根下运用文件夹app,新增3个运用文件。 app.component.ts app.module.ts main.ts 4、在项目文件夹下新增2个文件。 index.html types.css 5、编辑、运行程序。使用Browsersync来动态刷新页面。 npm start ng server --host
npm install ng2-file-upload --save
The Hero Editor
Let’s take stock of what we’ve built.
- Our Tour of Heroes uses the double curly braces of interpolation (a kind of one-way data binding) to display the application title and properties of a Hero object.
- We wrote a multi-line template using ES2015’s template strings to make our template readable.
- We can both display and change the hero’s name after adding a two-way data binding to the <input> element using the built-in ngModel directive.
- The ngModel directive also propagates changes to every other binding of the
Here’s what we achieved in this chapter:
- Our Tour of Heroes now displays a list of selectable heroes
- We added the ability to select a hero and show the hero’s details
- We learned how to use the built-in directives ngIf and ngFor in a component’s template
Multiple Components
Let’s take stock of what we’ve built.
- We created a reusable component
- We learned how to make a component accept input
- We learned to declare the application directives we need in an Angular module. We list the directives in the NgModule * decorator's declarations array.
- We learned to bind a parent component to a child component.
Let’s take stock of what we’ve built.
- We created a service class that can be shared by many components.
- We used the ngOnInit Lifecycle Hook to get our heroes when our AppComponent activates.
- We defined our HeroService as a provider for our AppComponent.
- We created mock hero data and imported them into our service.
- We designed our service to return a Promise and our component to get our data from the Promise.
ng lint规则
- Shadowed variable: 'res'
- 注释要以空格开头
- 双引号全用单引号代替
- 组件selector要以“app-”开头
- 文件要以空行结尾
- 不能省略代码块最后一行的分号
- 变量要以let声明
- 变量值未改变的量要用const声明
- 有初始值的变量不用写类型声明
import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core'; /* * Convert bytes into largest possible unit. * Takes an precision argument that defaults to 2. * Usage: * bytes | humanFileSize:precision * Example: * {{ 1024 | humanFileSize}} * formats to: 1 KB */ @Pipe({ name: 'fileSize' }) export class FileSizePipe implements PipeTransform { // In fact unit we should be get from Static Api, at the moment we set static private units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; // In French // private units = ['bit', 'kilo', 'Mo', 'Go', 'To', 'bps', 'dpi']; public transform(bytes: number = 0, precision: number = 2): string { if (isNaN(parseFloat(String(bytes))) || !isFinite(bytes)) { return bytes.toString(); } let unit = 0; while (bytes >= 1024) { bytes /= 1024; unit++; } return bytes.toFixed(precision).toString().replace(/\./g, ',') + ' ' + this.units[unit]; } }
npm install angularx-qrcode --save