Resize page number field in ext.pagingtoolbar
You should be able to set it via:
"The width in pixels of the input field used to display and change the current page number."
{ xtype: 'tagfield', fieldLabel: '相关主题', store: tag_store, value: ['2', '4'], flex: 1, name: 'tags[]', displayField: 'name', valueField: 'id', filterPickList: true }
//第一种方法 { header: "操作", dataIndex: 'id', align: 'left', xtype: 'actioncolumn', name: 'opertation', items: [ { //text: '编辑', icon: '/js/MyApp/ext/classic/theme-crisp-touch/resources/images/shared/icon-info.png', handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) { var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); grid.up()._edit(record); //alert("Terminate " + rec.get('title')); } }, { //text: '删除', icon: '/js/MyApp/ext/classic/theme-crisp-touch/resources/images/shared/icon-error.png', handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) { var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); grid.up()._delete(record.get('id')); } } ] } //第二种方法 { text: 'DELETE', align: 'center', stopSelection: true, xtype: 'widgetcolumn', widget: { xtype: 'button', Text: "编辑", defaultBindProperty: null, //important handler: function(widgetColumn) { var record = widgetColumn.getWidgetRecord(); me._edit(record); }, listeners: { beforerender: function(widgetColumn){ var record = widgetColumn.getWidgetRecord(); widgetColumn.setText( widgetColumn.Text ); //can be mixed with the row data if needed } } } }